Old Girls Behaving Badly by Kate Galley

Temporary position.
Job specifications: Live-in companion wanted for an elderly woman. You will have your own room with a private bathroom in a substantial home on a large country estate in North Norfolk.
The position is temporary – seven days in the last week of August during a family wedding party.
Your duties will be light. No persona care is involved. The woman requires, in essence, a friendly person to be her companion while the family are otherwise engaged with wedding preparations.
You must be efficient, quick-witted and happy to join the family for their very special occasion.
If the applicant is successful, there is the potential for a permanent position in the woman’s London home. . .

ABOUT ‘OLD GIRLS BEHAVING BADLY’: Something old, something new, something stolen…?

Gina Knight is looking forward to the prospect of retirement with her husband of forty-three years. Until, to her surprise, said husband decides he needs to ‘find himself’ – alone – and disappears to Santa Fe, leaving divorce papers in his wake.

Now Gina needs a new role in life, not to mention somewhere to live, so she applies for the position of Companion to elderly Dorothy Reed. At eighty-nine, ‘Dot’ needs someone to help her around the house – or at least, her family seems to think so. Her companion’s first role would be to accompany Dot for a week-long extravagant wedding party.

But when Georgina arrives at the large Norfolk estate where the wedding will take place, she quickly discovers Dot has an ulterior motive for hiring her. While the other guests are busy sipping champagne and playing croquet, Dot needs Georgina to help her solve a mystery – about a missing painting, which she believes is hidden somewhere in the house.

Because, after all, who would suspect two old ladies of getting up to mischief?

MY THOUGHTS: I loved these two main characters! Eighty-nine-year-old Dot Reed and seventy-one-year-old Gina Knight just seem to hit it off. Dot really didn’t want a companion until she met Gina, who has a skill that Dot needs to fulfil her quest. Gina just wants out of the marital home which is in the process of being sold.

Gina doesn’t have a lot of self-confidence, shaken by a departing husband who describes her as ‘beige and unexciting.’ Dorothy tends to be impulsive and a holder of grudges. At first glance these two have nothing in common, but in truth both are quick-witted and suspicious. Juliet, Dot’s thirteen-year-old granddaughter makes the third person in the search for stolen goods in the host’s home.

Old Girls Behaving Badly is humorous romp (without being at all silly!) under cover of the upcoming nuptials in a large and stately manor house with staircases, cellars and hidden rooms. Dot and Gina made me think of an aged Nancy Drew!

This read is a lot of fun. It deals with divorce in the elderly, grief, finding your feet again and finding new friends in unexpected places. Every time I think about Old Girls Behaving Badly, I smile. The way Kate Galley has ended this book makes me believe there may be a second book on the horizon. I sincerely hope so.


#OldGirlsBehavingBadly #NetGalley

THE AUTHOR: Kate Galley lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband, children and Meg, their Patterdale Terrier. Much of Kate’s inspiration co0mes from the varied lives of her client as a mobile hairdresser.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Boldwood Books via NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of Old Girls Behaving Badly by Kate Galley for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

Author: sandysbookaday

I love good quality chocolate. I love the ocean and love to be in, on or beside it. I read any and every where. I am a proud mum and Nana. I like wine, gin, Southern Comfort, a cold Heineken on a hot day. I am very versatile like that. I cross stitch, do jigsaws, garden, and work on a farm. I am an occasional scribbler. I have far too many books I want to read to ever find the time to die. I am an active member of Goodreads as Sandy *the world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* and review on Amazon under the name Sandyj21. My Goodreads reviews are automatically linked to my Facebook page. Groups I belong to and participate in on Goodreads include: The Mystery, Crime and Thriller Group; Mysteries and Crime Thrillers; Psychological Thrillers; Reading for Pleasure; Crime Detective Mystery Thrillers; English Mysteries; Dead Good Crime; Kindle English Mystery, All About Books and NZ Readers. April 2016 I made the Top 1% of Goodreads reviewers (As follows) Hello Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice*, In our community of readers, you stand out in a notable way: You're one of the top 1% of reviewers on Goodreads! With every rave and every pan, with every excited GIF and every critical assessment, you've helped the Goodreads community get closer to a very important milestone – the 50 Million Reviews mark!

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