Kelpie Chaos by Deb Fitzpatrick

EXCERPT: Zoom puts his nose on the gravel and has a big long sniff.
‘What is it, Zoom, what can you smell?’
He moves away in a zig-zag, pulling on the lead, nose to the ground, stopping occasionally to focus on interesting smell-spots.
‘It’s a bit like metal-detecting, isn’t it mate?’ says Dad. ‘Except you don’t find precious metals, you find precious . . .’
‘Pongs?’ I try.
‘I think that’s a fair guess,’ Dad grins. ‘Precious pongs,’ he repeats, then laughs out loud.

ABOUT ‘KELPIE CHAOS’: A kelpie puppy is about to be sent to the pound and Eli knows he has to do something. After adopting the flame-chested kelpie, now named Zoom, the family falls in love, but they soon learn there’s a lot involved in raising a dog. Especially a working dog, who is hard wired to round up pretty much everything … even socks. When Zoom goes missing on a family bushwalk, the family sets out on a frantic search. With each passing moment, anxiety mounts, but they refuse to give up hope. As night falls, their strength is tested, both physically and emotionally. Will they be able to find Zoom? What mischief could a dog get up to in the bush?

MY THOUGHTS: Kelpie Chaos is a well written story about the adoption of a Kelpie pup otherwise destined for an uncertain future in the pound. It will appeal to the 6 – 7 year-old age group of animal lovers.

There are obvious pitfalls in trying to raise a working dog in town – they do love to run and bark and round things up including, it seems, lawnmowers and socks!

Kelpie Chaos is written with a touch of humor and loads of good advice – from raising puppies to safety in the bush.

I enjoyed Kelpie Chaos and am passing it on to my 7-year-old bookworm grandson for his opinion.
I gave it ⭐⭐⭐⭐

LUKE’S REVIEW: I really liked that they got Zoom . I didn’t like when he ran off because they were worried about Zoom. I think all age groups will enjoy this book. I gave it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Overall rating = ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

#KelpieChaos @FremantlePress

THE AUTHOR: Deb Fitzpatric is the author of ten books and loves using stories from real life in her writing. She regularly teaches creative writing to people of all ages. In her early writing days, Deb did all manner of jobs to fund her writing including making bad coffee, cleaning houses, supervising university exams and, most pleasantly, helping kids across the road safely as a crosswalk attendant, or ‘lollipop lady’. She lived for several years in the cloudforest of Costa Rica and still pretends to speak some Spanish. Deb loves bushwalking and shares her life with a lovely family and their kelpie.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Fremantle Press for providing a copy of Kelpie Chaos by Deb Fitzpatrick for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

Author: sandysbookaday

I love good quality chocolate. I love the ocean and love to be in, on or beside it. I read any and every where. I am a proud mum and Nana. I like wine, gin, Southern Comfort, a cold Heineken on a hot day. I am very versatile like that. I cross stitch, do jigsaws, garden, and work on a farm. I am an occasional scribbler. I have far too many books I want to read to ever find the time to die. I am an active member of Goodreads as Sandy *the world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* and review on Amazon under the name Sandyj21. My Goodreads reviews are automatically linked to my Facebook page. Groups I belong to and participate in on Goodreads include: The Mystery, Crime and Thriller Group; Mysteries and Crime Thrillers; Psychological Thrillers; Reading for Pleasure; Crime Detective Mystery Thrillers; English Mysteries; Dead Good Crime; Kindle English Mystery, All About Books and NZ Readers. April 2016 I made the Top 1% of Goodreads reviewers (As follows) Hello Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice*, In our community of readers, you stand out in a notable way: You're one of the top 1% of reviewers on Goodreads! With every rave and every pan, with every excited GIF and every critical assessment, you've helped the Goodreads community get closer to a very important milestone – the 50 Million Reviews mark!

10 thoughts on “Kelpie Chaos by Deb Fitzpatrick”

    1. It’s not a picture book, Kathryn. It’s a chapter book with just a small illustration at the beginning of each chapter. It’s probably a good book for children moving up a level in their reading from picture books. The chapter are short and the language quite simple. 💕📚

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  1. Sounds a sweet read though like Luke I would be upset when Zoom vanishes too. I like that it manages to convey the challenges of looking after dogs too. Glad this was a book you could enjoy together!

    Liked by 1 person

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