The Wedding Gift by Carolyn Brown

(Contains three novellas)

EXCERPT: (Taken from ‘A Slow Dance Holiday’)
Granny had damn sure been right when she said the redhead could hold her own. She’d be a force to deal with for sure, but after ten years of bartending Cameron figured he’d seen about everything. One curvy, feisty little lady didn’t scare him, not unless she was pointing a pistol at his chest, anyway.

ABOUT ‘THE WEDDING GIFT’: A week before your wedding is no time for your ex to ride back into town, stirring up trouble. But that’s exactly the predicament Darla McAdams finds herself in. With practically the entire town of Tishomingo, Oklahoma, in attendance, the last place she wants to be is at her grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary party with the whole family, her fiancé and her old flame all in the same room.

Darla’s grandmother Roxie has seen many a bride tested, and she knows Darla is at a crossroads. It’s time to share the truth about Roxie’s own marriage to Darla’s grandfather – and the gift that saved their marriage so many years ago. By revealing secret after secret, the most startling involving a television set, Roxie gives Darla a wedding gift she’ll cherish forever, but only Darla can listen to what’s inside her heart and know who she’s meant to say “I do” to.

MY THOUGHTS: The Wedding Gift by Carolyn Brown contains three rather wonderful novellas. The title novella, The Wedding Gift was probably my least favourite ⭐⭐⭐.5 I loved Roxie and her story about the wedding license, the fishing tackle and the TV. The downside to this story for me was the many repetitions of some of the background information on the characters.
The second novella, A Slow Dance Holiday, is a sweet and humorous Christmas romance. Interfering but well meaning relatives gift two people a honky tonk bar in a small town. Jorja and Cameron don’t know each other, and neither is what the other expects. Can they learn to work together and make a success of the bar? ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
The third novella, Summertime on the Ranch, features Becca and Dalton, who have both given up on their dreams and come to a small town in southern Oklahoma, Becca to live with her granny and work in a winery, Dalton to work on the adjoining ranch. There’s a lot of animals and alcohol (think watermelon wine) involved in this romance. ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

A fun read with strong, sassy female characters (and that’s just the grannies!) 🤣🤣

Overall rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐.2

I: @carolynbrownbooks @sourcebooks

T: @thecarolynbrown @Sourcebooks

#christianfiction #contemporaryfiction #familydrama #romance #sliceoflife #smalltownfiction

THE AUTHOR: Carolyn Brown was born in Texas but grew up in southern Oklahoma where she and her husband Charles, a retired English teacher, make their home. They have three grown children and enough grandchildren to keep them young.
When she’s not writing, Carolyn likes to plot new stories in her backyard with her tom cat, Boots Randolph Terminator Outlaw, who protects the yard from all kinds of wicked varmits . . . like crickets, locusts and spiders.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of The Wedding Gift by Carolyn Brown for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

Author: sandysbookaday

I love good quality chocolate. I love the ocean and love to be in, on or beside it. I read any and every where. I am a proud mum and Nana. I like wine, gin, Southern Comfort, a cold Heineken on a hot day. I am very versatile like that. I cross stitch, do jigsaws, garden, and work on a farm. I am an occasional scribbler. I have far too many books I want to read to ever find the time to die. I am an active member of Goodreads as Sandy *the world could end while I was reading and I would never notice* and review on Amazon under the name Sandyj21. My Goodreads reviews are automatically linked to my Facebook page. Groups I belong to and participate in on Goodreads include: The Mystery, Crime and Thriller Group; Mysteries and Crime Thrillers; Psychological Thrillers; Reading for Pleasure; Crime Detective Mystery Thrillers; English Mysteries; Dead Good Crime; Kindle English Mystery, All About Books and NZ Readers. April 2016 I made the Top 1% of Goodreads reviewers (As follows) Hello Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice*, In our community of readers, you stand out in a notable way: You're one of the top 1% of reviewers on Goodreads! With every rave and every pan, with every excited GIF and every critical assessment, you've helped the Goodreads community get closer to a very important milestone – the 50 Million Reviews mark!

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